The LCI has not only given me a stronger foothold on learning, it has also inspired me to make myself a better person in all aspects of my life.
Jeffery Hall Read MoreThe LCI has not only given me a stronger foothold on learning, it has also inspired me to make myself a better person in all aspects of my life.
Jeffery Hall Read MoreLCR 3.0 is an updated web presence and learning focused platform that includes a new website, streamlined access to accounts, and evolving content to enhance the benefits of the Learning Connections Inventory (LCI) and its valuable outcomes. Within LCR 3.0 the site visitor can get information on how the LCI can help in selecting a college major, career direction, and refining a job search. Also, LCR 3.0 will provide additional information on defining learning systems and how the dynamic between an individual’s learning patterns and the learning system can produce learning success or failure. Please take a look at our new platform and contact us with any feedback.