
We have used the LCI in trainings for manufacturing process, hospital employees, teachers, departments staff developments and team building for foundation employees, I know it is working when 12 months after I have done an LCI workshop, Participants call me back telling me of their continued application of the process.

Dr. Harriett Hilton Read More
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What is the theoretical base behind Learning Connections Resources?

The theoretical base behind Learning Connections Resources (LCR) is the Interactive Learning Model (Johnston, 1996) which illustrates the simultaneous interaction of the three fields of the mind…cognition, conation, and affectation. It is cognition (our thinking), conation (our doing), and affectation (our values) that work in concert to guide our individual patterns of learning.

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What is the difference between the Learning Connections Inventory and other assessments such as the Myers-Briggs, etc…?

The LCI is designed to measure the degree to which we use several mental processes or learning patterns, then use that knowledge to develop strategies and reflect upon our level of success in any endeavor. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is an instrument designed to evaluate behavior or personality. Based upon Jungian Psychology and observable behaviors, once completed the MBTI places individuals within a series of quadrants leaving their personality categorized but unable to see how they process information.

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What is the difference between Learning Patterns and Learning Styles?

Learning patterns are the natural foundation of how we interpret and understand the world around us. Each person’s unique combination of learning patterns is where we begin our intentional and focused effort. Learning styles are based on the psychological construct of personality and are altered by such things as environment, task-at-hand, co-workers, and timing.

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Is the Learning Connections Inventory a valid and reliable instrument?

The Learning Connections Inventory (LCI) was developed over a four year period using standard psychometric protocols culminating in factor analysis. Reliabilty was assessed via test-retest and internal consistency methods, validity through content, construct, and predictive methods. The seven versions of the instrument have been tailored and tested to meet the needs of several diverse populations and settings (students aged 6-12, students aged 13-18, adults in education settings, kids aged 6-12, kids aged 13-18, parents, and professionals). Please contact us for additional statistical information.

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I have completed the LCI…Now what?

Completing the LCI is only the first step in the process. LCR provides customized materials and staffs specialists to interpret, apply, and help develop sustaining strategies to hone your intentional learning and competitive advantage.

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What can Learning Connections Resources provide to my organization?

LCR has account managers and onsite specialists available to fill your specific needs. From keynote presentations to long-term consulting, LCR will customize its information delivery systems to meet your specific needs.

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Why is learning important to my daily life?

Learning is the core of the minds operations. The brain constantly receives, processes and stores stimuli, but it is the mind that interprets and acts upon the stimuli. Using our minds with intention is a higher order learning process that we require to overcome challenges and to enhance our level of personal knowledge.

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How can LCR help relieve tension and frustration within my family dynamic?

LCR has developed materials to specifically help family members understand and accept the struggle as they work to create a nurturing and supportive family unit. The LCI can be used to start a constructive dialogue about diversity, goals and aspirations with a focus on respecting each others individual patterns of learning and action.

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What type of information can I get from the LCR website?

The LCR website has been constructed so that individuals, groups, and organizations may take the appropriate version of the LCI on-line and have the results electronically tabulated, validated and graphed. Once validated, the user can download and print an accompanying narrative analysis of scores and strategies for successful learning and interpersonal applications.

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Are there any training sessions I can attend to learn more about learning?

Although a technology based and contract services provider, LCR does offer workshops, advanced certification courses and regional workshops at its headquarters in Southern New Jersey and through out the United States. Check the current initiatives page for more information.

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